Showing posts with label Lois Lenski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lois Lenski. Show all posts

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Little Fire Engine

I cannot believe this book. It is a rather lengthy book for Atticus, but he wanted it read five times in a row tonight. He was just fascinated by the parts of the engine, the sounds of truck, and the sequence of events surrounding a fire in the town and a thrilling rescue by Fireman Small.

I know some of the reviews are critical. There are, after all, some strange parts. The family who lives in the burning house quickly rushes to remove their furniture, but fails to notice their daughter and cat are trapped upstairs. Little things like that. However, I don't really care. Any book that can captivate the attention of Mr. Atticus in such a manner at the ripe age of 17 months must be a hit.